How Do I Change The Facebook User When Posting To A Group?

Changes to Facebook Groups Publishing

Facebook unexpectedly decided to remove Groups API access, preventing any third-party tools, including SmarterQueue, from interacting with your Facebook Groups. After April 22nd, 2024, SmarterQueue will no longer be able to publish directly to groups you manage. You can still schedule posts for these groups, but will receive email notifications for easy manual posting instead. You may also wish to consider transitioning to a Facebook Page for better engagement.

If you have connected more than one Facebook user to your SmarterQueue account, you can choose which Facebook user will be used when publishing to a connected Facebook Group ๐Ÿ˜Š

In This Article

How To Connect A Facebook User To SmarterQueue

When you connect a Facebook Group or Page to SmarterQueue, you'll be prompted to authorize the connection through a personal Facebook profile. 

Note: Rest assured, SmarterQueue does not have permission in any way to post to your personal Facebook profile. 

In order to connect another user's Facebook profile to SmarterQueue, you'll just need to add a Page or Group to SmarterQueue while logged into the correct Facebook account in your browser. 

For more information, please check out our dedicated article and video walkthrough on How To Connect A Facebook Page/Group.

How To Change Facebook Users When Posting To A Group

Once you've connected Facebook Pages/Groups via multiple Facebook Profiles, you'll be able to switch which profile is posting to each connected Group by reconnecting it.

Here are the steps you'll need to take:

  • Make sure that you are currently logged into Facebook as the user you want to post as and make sure they are an admin of the Group.
  • Navigate to the Profiles page in SmarterQueue.

  • Find the Group that you want to switch the posting user for.
  • Click the vertical three-dot button for that Group and select "Re-connect Profile".

  • The next screen will show a list of available Facebook Groups to connect and will specify who you're "Posting as".

  • Click on the version of the Facebook Group that matches the correct Facebook user in the "Posting as:" tag, underneath the Group name.

Note: If you've added Pages or Groups to SmarterQueue via multiple Facebook users with valid connections, and several (or even all) are admins of the Group in question, you will be able to choose which of the admin users will publish to the Group. 

You should see the Group appear multiple times in the list when re-connecting it, with a different โ€œPost as:โ€ option for each admin. Choose the correct user, and all subsequent posts will be published to the Group as that user.

  • Then click "Re-Connect"

Note: Even if you have connected multiple Facebook users to the same SmarterQueue account, you can only publish posts to a Facebook Group as one user at a time. Posts will be published as whichever user was last chosen in the steps above.

What Do The Different Colors & Icons Mean When Re-Connecting A Group?

When re-connecting your Facebook Group, you'll notice the cards for each Profile have different symbols and colors. Here is a guide to what each of those means: 

Connect a new Group, posting as the specified Facebook user:

Re-connect an existing Group with the same Facebook user as before:

Re-connect an existing Group, but with a different Facebook user:

You cannot connect this Group, as it is already connected to another SmarterQueue account:

When you click a Group to add, the check box remains selected. Click again to de-select it:

Can I Post To A Facebook Group As A Page?

Facebook doesnโ€™t allow third-party tools, including SmarterQueue, to post to Facebook Groups as a Facebook Page at this time. 

This is a restriction on Facebook's end ๐Ÿ’ช