Instagram: User Access Is Restricted

There are several reasons why Instagram might display the error message: "User access is restricted".

The most common issue we've seen is when there are security checks on your Instagram account.

Additionally, it can also come up if your account was flagged for engaging in excessive activities such as quickly following or unfollowing users, posting frequently, or interacting a lot through likes and comments. Instagram may also place restrictions on accounts where age or other profile information hasn't been verified.

To Resolve

  • Log into your Instagram profile on Instagram and clear all security screens, if any. If needed, confirm your age and other necessary details.
  • Check for any messages shown by Instagram that could explain if there were any excessive activities that triggered the issue, and if the restriction is in place for a determined period of time.
  • If your Instagram account is connected to a Facebook Page that has been flagged, this could be causing the problem. In this case, the issue might originate from your Facebook Page - make sure to log into Facebook and double check.
  • If there are no security screens on either Instagram or Facebook, it could simply be a temporary bug that will clear soon - Instagram is usually quick to resolve bugs.