How To Create Tweet Variations

If you're looking for a one-stop-shop on what Variations is and how to make use of this amazing new tool, head on over to Variations.

In This Article

What Are Tweet Variations?

Tweet Variations allow you to recycle tweets for as long as you want, by making multiple unique variants of the Tweet, so that a brand new Tweet will be published each time the tweet is recycled.

You can create an unlimited number of unique tweets by varying the text between each Variation. Make sure that you make substantial changes between each Variation (i.e. don't just change punctuation, emojis, or a single word) - not only does Twitter require tweets to be substantially different to avoid triggering their duplication checks, but you'll also be able to test out which content works better when you make

Below you can see we've generated 3 unique Tweets using Variations.

To discover how we did this, check out our handy article about Variations.

How To Resolve Tweet Duplication By Using Variations

In early 2018, Twitter announced changes to their platform rules, preventing anyone from publishing duplicate content.

Twitter's policy changes mean you cannot post duplicate content - whether that's posting the same tweet on the same profile a while later, or posting the same tweet to multiple profiles. This change is designed to prevent bots from spreading spam, and taking over conversations and trending hashtags.

When Twitter changed their policy, all tools associated with Twitter had to make adjustments to the way they connected with Twitter. As a result, we will not post duplicate tweets to any of your profiles.

SmarterQueue lets you review your Queued posts, to make sure that you won't be attempting to publish any duplicate tweets. You can find this tool under Analytics - Review Duplicate Tweets.

You can edit any Duplicate Tweets, and change the content of the tweet to be unique. You can also create Variations of the tweet, so that you will be able to recycle the tweet without creating duplication.

By creating Tweet Variations you;

  • Protect yourself from being blocked by Twitter for sending out the same Tweet more than once.
  • Increase your engagement, your Tweet will appear fresh in your followers feed.
  • Can recycle your Tweets without breaking Twitter's duplication rules.

If you're a #hacklife kind of person, check out our Variation Hacks!