How to optimize and monetize your social mediaHow to optimize and monetize your social media

How To Bulk Add Multiple Timeslots To Your Posting Plan

If you'd like to be able to add multiple Timeslots at once or Bulk Edit while creating your Posting Plan then please upvote Bulk Editing Posting Plans and Timeslots on our Feature Request Board so we can notify you if/when we start development 😊

In the meantime, please follow these steps to quickly add Timeslots to your Posting Plan.

🎥 For a visual walkthrough, skip to 00:56 in our video tutorial!

1. Navigate to your Posting Plan using the top menu in your SmarterQueue dashboard

2. Add a Timeslot by selecting the Category and Profiles you want from the left-hand menu in your Posting Plan

3. Drag and drop a Timeslot onto the weekly calendar 

4. Select the '...' on the new Timeslot for more options and click 'Clone Timeslot' 

5. Click on your weekly schedule to add the Timeslot to as many days and times you'd like

6. Click 'Done' at the top of your screen when you're finished