How Often Should I Post To Each Social Media Platform?

Each social media platform has its own rules and standards. When creating your social media strategy, be sure to take into account each platform's unique flair when deciding how often to post 💪

For example, you might post more frequently to Twitter than you do LinkedIn. While there are some general recommendations and standards, ultimately determining how often to post to each social platform is a very personal decision!

This will depend on your industry, location, how others use the platform in your sector, and your past habits. To determine how often to post, we recommend doing your own research ( looking up competitors and influencers in your space using Analyse a Social Profile makes this easy!). 

That said, read on to learn more about each social media platform and the general standards for frequency of posting.   

To learn more about how to find the best times to post for high engagement, check out this linked article.

In This Article

How Often Should I Post To Twitter?

Most retweets happen within an hour after they publish, so a higher daily frequency can pay off. Furthermore, to see higher engagement on each tweet, research shows that sending between 1 and 5 tweets per day is effective. 

Keep in mind, the average lifetime of a tweet is between 15 and 20 minutes. After this time frame, your followers’ feeds will likely have received enough new posts so yours will ultimately be pushed to the bottom.

Because of this, you have more flexibility to recycle your tweets at different times of day without being off-putting, because not all of your followers are going to see each tweet the first time around.

We recommend varying your times and tweets throughout the day, so your feed remains balanced and you don't swamp your readers with tweets.

Note: If you still haven’t got anything interesting to say, don’t just tweet for the sake of it! Quality is always better than quantity 😊 

How Often Should I Post To LinkedIn? 

LinkedIn itself recommends posting every business day on the platform. We'd suggest that you aim to post at least 3 times a week and no more than a couple of times a day as a maximum.

There are industry studies that show that after posting more than once a day, engagement significantly drops.

How Often Should I Post To Facebook? 

General standards on Facebook are to post once a day or less. If you have a large and highly engaged audience on Facebook you can likely get away with posting twice a day as a maximum. Generally, research shows that posting more than twice a day does correspond to great social media success. 

As always, the type of content you post is also highly important. For example, posting a video or live video will usually have much more impact on Facebook than if you post a link to an article you’ve written.

How Often Should I Post To Pinterest? 

The recommended minimum is 3 Pins per day, up to a maximum of 30 Pins per day. Posting more than that has not show additional benefit. 

4 to 6 Pins a day can be a reasonable target for your social media strategy. 

Note: In 2019 Pinterest decided to give preference to NEW Pins, thereby cutting down on exposure to repinned Pins so be sure to focus on creating new content or use Variations to keep your Evergreen posts fresh!

How Often Should I Post To Instagram? 

With Instagram, again, the advice is general and there are no guarantees but you can aim to post on Instagram between one to three times per day. 

Major brands post on average of 1.5 times per day, so if you emulate others in your industry then you'll be right on track 😊.