How To Resolve Common Variations Errors

In this article, you'll be able to find simple solutions to the most common Variation error messages!

Please navigate to the relevant section to solve each common error messages you may encounter 💪 

In This Article

You Can Only Have 4 Images In A Single Post

Error Message: The Media Options have automatically been changed to "Vary Media".

Why Has This Happened?

This error message will pop up when;

  • You've tried to add more than the number of images that can be published to the selected social profiles, when 'Media Options' is set to 'Multi-image post'.
  • When 'Multi-image post' is selected, you can add a specific number of images per post, based on social profile, which will display your images in a grid format:
    • Facebook posts can have 10 images
    • Instagram posts can have 10 images
    • LinkedIn posts can have 9 images
    • Twitter posts can have 4 images
    • Pinterest only supports 1 image
  • Another reason this error appears is that you've previously uploaded more than the maximum number of images to your post and are attempting to switch Media Options from 'Multi-image post' to 'Vary media'.

How To Resolve

  • Either ensure 'Vary Media' is selected so your post rotates images, rather than posting them as a multi-image post
  • Or remove surplus images by clicking 'x' in the top right of the image, so that you end up with the maximum number of images that can be sent within one post.

A GIF Post Can Only Have One GIF, And No Other Images

Error Message: The Media Options have automatically been changed to "Vary Media".

Why Has This Happened?

  • This error message will pop up when;
    • You've attempted to select the option 'Multi-image post' when you've uploaded images and GIFs, or multiple GIFs.

How To Resolve

  • Keep the automatically updated Media Options - we will automatically switch you to 'Vary media' so that the GIF can be free to do its thing! ✨ 

You Cannot Have Multiple Videos In The Same Post

Error MessageThe Media Options have automatically been changed to 'Vary Media'.

Why Has This Happened?

  • This error message appears when you've added more than one video to your post, then tried to select the Media Option, 'Multi-image post'.
  • The format in which videos are best displayed is always a single post, a grid format takes away the impact of your videos.
  • We generate a post for each video by automatically switching your Media Options.

How To Resolve

  • Keep the 'Vary media' option selected when adding more than one video to a Variation post.