How Do I Delete A Queued Post?

In This Article

How To Trash A Post

  1. From your Queue, find the post you’d like to delete
  2. Click '...' on the top right of the top (More Actions) 
  3. Click 'Trash'

Everything in your Queue will now move up a place from where the trashed article was positioned.

For example, if you had a Category called 'Inspiration' and you deleted a Post from it from your Twitter account, all the Posts in your Queue for that Category And Profile (Sub-Queue) will move up one place. 

💡Posts in the trash still count towards your Queue limit unless you empty it.

How To Bulk-Trash Posts

  1. Click ' Bulk-Trash Posts' at the top right of your screen to delete only the Posts that are visible after you have filters applied in the left hand pop-out menu. For example, if you wanted to delete all Evergreen Posts with images, for a specific Category and Profile, you could apply those filters and then use the Bulk-Trash option.

Where To Find Your Trashed Posts

Your trashed posts can be found by clicking on 'Trash' on the top left-hand side of your SmarterQueue dashboard:

From here, you can still Edit A Post or Save A Post As Draft without deleting the Post completely.

You can also restore all trashed Posts, or delete them all from the trash by clicking the buttons on the top-right of the screen.

Note: You can restore deleted Posts for up to 30 days, after which any Trashed Posts in the bin will be deleted automatically.