Why Does My Queue Stop At A Particular Date?
If you are looking in your Queue and you notice that your posts appear to stop at a certain date, even though you have them scheduled beyond that time, don't worry, there is a simple explanation! 😊
Here Is How Your Queue Displays Your Posts
When you look at your Queue, you can only ever see one example of a queued post at any given time.
Your Queue is a library of unique posts - if you have a repeating post (like an Evergreen post, a recurring post, or one that is scheduled for multiple dates and times), you will only see it once in the Queue.
So, if for example, you had 10 queued Evergreen Posts, and you set your Posting Plan to send out content from your Queue once a week forever, your Queue would only show those 10 posts over the course of 10 weeks, 1 Post per week (this is the same for Variations).
As soon as the first Post in your Queue is published, it disappears from the top, or beginning of your Queue, and appears at the bottom, or end of your Queue, so you would now see it as the last post in your Queue.
At this time, the post will also show a new 'Cycle' number. This number lets you know how many times the post will have been used once it's published again.
The same would happen with recurring posts or posts scheduled for multiple dates and times - only one iteration of the post will be visible in the Queue at any given time.
These posts will show a 'Scheduled'/'Recurring' number to let you know how many times the post will have been used once it's published again.
Note: If you imagine your Queue is like a deck of playing cards when a post is published it's like dealing a card from the top of the deck, and then discarding it, but when you've set an Evergreen Post to be recycled, as soon that card is dealt from the top of the deck, we put it back to the bottom of the deck, so that it can be dealt again later!