📹 Getting Started | Automatically Share Your Blog Posts

Import your existing blog posts in bulk and fill up your Queue in seconds, then let SmarterQueue take care of the rest and auto-import all future blog posts for you 😊 

Video Tutorial


  1. Navigate to Find Content and select 'Share your blog posts'
  2. Enter your blog link and SmarterQueue will fetch the latest posts
  3. Click 'Save Source' then toggle Auto-Import 'On'
  4. Under the 'General' settings tab, select which Category and Profiles you'd like your posts scheduled to
  5. Under the 'Advanced' settings tab:
    1. Select 'Add old posts to... bottom of the Queue'
    2. Under "RECYCLE POSTS?" choose 'Re-queue After Posting' 
  6. Click 'Save'

SmarterQueue will now import all of your past blog links and schedule posts to your selected Social Profiles! In the future, when you publish new articles to your blog, SmarterQueue will automatically detect the new links and create new social posts without you lifting a finger!

More Information

Please see this article for more detailed information and walkthroughs on how to set up an automatic import from an RSS or blog feed.