How To Bulk Import Posts From Social

Bulk importing is a feature of the  Business and Agency plans, as well as custom plans with the Intermediate Importer add-on.

Import posts in bulk from your favorite social media accounts and fill your Queue in seconds!

How To Find The Content You Want To Import

1. To get started, navigate to "Find Content".

2. Select "Curate from social media" from the available options.

3. In the search box, type the name of the Social Profile whose posts you'd like to import. 

You can search for your own Profiles, or others' Facebook Pages.


4. Click on the Social Profile whose posts you'd like to import.

💡Note:  Importing in Bulk from the selected Social Profile will work exactly the same way, whether you're importing your own posts from one of your connected profiles, or you're looking at someone else's social media. 

SmarterQueue will then fetch the most recent social posts from that profile. 

5. Use the filters at the top of the search to further narrow your content and surface top-performing posts! You can filter & sort by:

  • Content: Posts with an image, posts with a link, posts with a video, or all types
  • Sort: By Latest, Most Liked, Most Shared, or Most Commented

How To Bulk Import Posts

To import the posts, toggle the Import Mode from "Single" to "Bulk"

This will show all posts in a list format. 

You can now use the Bulk Editor to make changes to all of your selected posts at once before importing them to your Queue.

How To Adjust Bulk Import Settings

By default, all of the social posts shown are selected to be imported. Any change you make in the bulk editor box at the top will change each of the posts below. 

The bulk changes you can make are:

You’re also able to go through the list and make the same changes to each post individually.

How To Adjust Your Link Settings

At the bottom of the page, choose "Import Options" to edit the link tracking parameters for these posts.

In the link options popup, you’ll see that SmarterQueue adds Google Analytics, UTM tracking codes, and Bitly click tracking according to your default settings. Here, you can choose to keep these settings or change them as necessary. You can also choose whether to add your imported posts to the top or bottom of your Queue.

When you’re ready, click "Add [#] Selected Posts to Top of Queue." In the background, SmarterQueue will import the images and preview text for each blog post. Once these are imported, you’ll see the posts in your Queue with Timeslots assigned, and link previews to show how these will look on each social network.

Common Questions

  1. What happens if I try to bulk import a post that is too long for LinkedIn?

When bulk importing, you will always have the chance to edit the post text before adding it to your queue. If you are importing to a LinkedIn account, we will check the post length (including any links and images), and warn you if the post exceeds LinkedIn’s 1300 character limit. You can then edit the text so that it doesn’t exceed the character limit.

  1. How do I import more than 200 posts at once?

You can bulk import the first 200 results that are returned. Then uncheck all of those results, click “Load more” at the bottom, and it will automatically select only the next 200 new posts (rows 201-400). You can then bulk import just those new posts, and repeat the process. Click “select none” again, then click “load more”, etc. This will let you bulk-import 200 posts at a time, and work through as many pages of results as you need.

  1. Why are there more posts in my Queue than I bulk-imported?

When you bulk import a certain number of posts, keep in mind that you may be sharing those posts on multiple Social Profiles. 

If you bulk import 100 posts and share them on your Facebook and LinkedIn profiles, that will show up as 200 posts in your Queue