How To Get More Out Of Your AI Caption Writer Results

Once you get the generated responses back, you can review them, ask for them to be re-written, copy the text to your clipboard, or add one or all of them directly to your post.

The AI generates its responses based on the prompt you typed, but it can't always guarantee 100% accuracy or quality. 

We recommend reviewing the generated variations before adding them to your post. If you're not satisfied with the results, you can always re-generate them until you find one that fits your needs:

Review Generated Captions

Once you've submitted your prompt, the AI Caption Generator process and display your results. You'll see one or more generated captions, depending on how many variations you asked for.

No matter how many variations you've requested, it will display all of them pre-selected, making it easy to add them to your post.

That said, make sure that you take your time to review the content and ensure it's accurate and up to your quality standards.

As you review your options, unselect any that aren't a good fit. To do so, you can uncheck the box next to any of the variations that won't make the cut, or just click anywhere within them.

Alternatively, you can re-generate a single caption (more details below).

You'll notice the character length of each caption is shown in grey at the bottom left of the caption.

The AI Caption Writer automatically knows which profiles you've selected, so tries to ensure that the captions are appropriate for those platforms and within the platforms' character limit.

You'll also see the blue button at the bottom right-hand side gets updated to display exactly how many variations are selected, and are ready to be added to your post, so it will be easy to keep track when generating multiple options.

And if you change your mind and decide you want to use all of the variations after all, you can just quickly select all of them, or none of them, by using the checkbox in the upper left-hand side.

Add Results To Post

You can add any individual caption to your post by clicking the "Add to Post" button within a single result.

Alternatively, you can add all selected variations at the same time, by clicking on the blue button labeled "Add X Selected Captions" at the bottom of the results.

The captions will be added to whichever profile's text box is currently visible in the Post Editor. So if you're cross-posting to multiple social profiles, you'll be able to choose whether the generated captions are meant for all of the social profiles (by selecting the "Original" text box), or whether they should be added just for one single profile (by selecting the customize-text tab for that profile).

And if you're adding multiple variations to your post, it will also turn on Evergreen Post Recycling for you πŸ’ͺ.

While you can't edit the AI-generated captions within the results, if you want to make manual edits to a specific caption, you'll be able to do so once it's been added to the post text box.

If you've already written something in your text box or even created multiple text variations by yourself, the AI Caption Writer will not overwrite them. Instead, it will add the generated text as a new text variation. This way you can A/B test your own writing with the AI Caption Writer without any issues.

Now if you want to mix and match some of your writing with additional content from the AI-generated text for the ultimate post caption, you can simply click on "Copy to Clipboard".

This will allow you to then paste the text wherever you need it within an already written caption.

Not only that, but it will allow you to use the AI-generated text in a "First Comment", or in a title, or even add it to a "Snippet" for future use.

Re-Generate Results

Sometimes the AI Caption Writer will be on the right track, but just not there yet. If you feel like the generated text is not a good fit for your post yet, use the "magic wand" button re-generate a single caption while providing additional guidance.

You'll be able to:

  • Re-Generate: This will create a new version of the caption based on all of your initial prompt text and settings. This means that if, for example, you asked the AI Caption Writer to start your initial result with something specific (say "My cat's name is Jeff"), then the new result will do the same.
  • Rewrite: This will rewrite the selected caption in a similar style and format.
  • Make Shorter: This will summarize the selected caption into a shorter piece of text.
  • Make Longer: This will expand the selected caption into a longer piece of text.

All of these options will use the same "tone of voice", "hashtags", and "emojis" settings from the initial request.

But only the "Re-Generate" option will follow your initial instructions (e.g. start with "My cat's name is Jeff"). The "Rewrite", "Make Shorter", and "Make Longer" options will create similar text, but may not match your expectations.

You can also generate a fresh batch of all variations, by clicking on "Re-Generate" at the bottom of the page.

This is will act exactly like clicking β€œGenerate” on the original form. It will replace all of the current results with new responses.

And if you want to review your initial prompt and make edits to it, just click "Back" on the bottom left-hand side of the page. This will take you back to the prompt page.

Once here, you can make any changes you need to the initial prompt and then press "Re-Generate" for a fresh batch of variations.

You can always review your existing results by clicking on "Results" at the bottom right.

Give Us Feedback

As you use the AI Caption Writer, consider sharing your feedback on how well the captions match your needs and prompt requirements.

You'll notice we show a pair of rating thumbs next to each caption result:

You can click πŸ‘ or πŸ‘Ž to leave a rating for a generated caption.

We will also show a popup where you can type additional feedback straight away.

Pressing Enter, or clicking the arrow, will submit the feedback. Alternatively, you can click anywhere outside the popup to dismiss it.

We greatly appreciate the feedback πŸ™ We will review all feedback to help us improve our behind-the-scenes interactions with ChatGPT, as well as improve the example prompts that we offer.

Known Limitations

SmarterQueue's AI Caption Writer uses ChatGPT at its core, along with a blend of our own secret sauce, to help you generate great social media captions.

While we've put in a lot of effort to ensure you'll have the best experience with it, ChatGPT does have some known issues that might come up as you use our AI Caption Writer.

This is why we always recommend reviewing the results before saving them for publishing.

1. You might sometimes see random @mentions in your generated caption, based on the post topic or selected social platform:

e.g.: 🐱 😻 Who says cats are ungrateful and aloof? My fur baby loves curling up with me and showering me with kisses. Let's all share our favorite cat moments in the comments below! 😽 #catlover #furbaby #purrfectcompanions #catsofIG πŸ“Έ: @mycatluv

2. Sometimes the a caption generated for Twitter may also contain a random or non-existent Twitter picture URL. (e.g. This is because the AI has been trained on millions of tweets, and believes that Tweets often contain this kind of URL.

3. You might still get emojis or hashtags in your caption, even if you've selected to include no hashtags and/or emojis. If this happens, please leave us feedback so we can make sure these get removed in future.

4. In some captions, you might notice stray quotation marks in the middle or end of the caption, that don't necessarily make sense with the content.

5. If you ask for "No Hashtags", you may still get hashtags forming part of the sentence.

e.g.: Are you on #TeamCat or #TeamDog? Let us know below.

We hope this article has given you a good understanding of how to use the AI Caption Writer. If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance.